Αρχική Άρθρα Μουσείο επί ίσοις όροις… φιλικές προς ΑμεΑ δράσεις από την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Αιτωλοακαρνανίας και Λευκάδος
Μουσείο επί ίσοις όροις… φιλικές προς ΑμεΑ δράσεις από την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Αιτωλοακαρνανίας και Λευκάδος PDF Εκτύπωση E-mail
Συντάχθηκε απο τον/την Βικάτου Ολυμπία & Γαβρίνα Δήμητρα   
Τετάρτη, 23 Ιούνιος 2021 12:37

The Ephorate of Antiquities of Aitoloakarnania and Lefkada, since 2012, has been implementing Educational Programmes in museums and archaeological sites under its supervision-always according to the museum-educational principles-to students of Primary and Secondary Education. In parallel, during this period of time, 2012-2018, it has realized educational proceedings as well, to special audiences, such as to handicapped people, in order for them to be easily integrated to the society. Day Accommodation Centers for the disabled, like ELEPAP (Greek Company of Protection and Reparation of Disabled People), “Iliahtida”, “Alkioni”, the Specialized Professional High School Academy , the Laboratory of Special Professional Education and Training and the Special Laboratory (for disabled children and adults) “Panagia Eleousa”, have occasionally participated in both organized proceedings of our Ephorate in Archaeological Museums in Agrinio and Thermo, and in the archaeological site of Plevrona, Stratos, the Roman thermal baths in Messologgi and at the “Fetihe” Mosque in Nafpaktos. The proceedings in which the above occasionally take part, are held in relation to the celebrations by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, such as the “National Day of Museums”, the“European Days of Cultural Heritage”, the “Environment and Civilization” and the projection of the pluralistic work of the Association of Greek Archaeologists. Apart from these, they have participated in current educational Programmes and in our Christmas events. Mythology, legends and stories of Ancient Aitolia, are often becoming our baseline, giving them the chance to feel the familiarity and freedom of expression in order for us to reach the desirable result, which is “a museum on equal terms.

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Τελευταία Ενημέρωση στις Τετάρτη, 23 Ιούνιος 2021 13:19
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