Αρχική Άρθρα Παιχνίδια μέσα και έξω από το μουσείο
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Συντάχθηκε απο τον/την Ευμορφία Τσιαμάγκα & Στέλλα Μαντικού   
Τετάρτη, 23 Ιούνιος 2021 12:41

By visiting archaeological museums, young and old people acquire a three-dimensional perception of antiquity. For our little friends, it is not just a simple visit. It is preferable to create the appropriate learning environment so they can learn by playing, as play is interwoven with the nature of the child and contributes to physical, mental and emotional development.

After taking into consideration the pedagogical value of play we designed in 2014, as part of the periodical exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki “Europe of Greece. Colonies and Coins from the Alpha Bank Collection” the educational programme “Bold Explorers and Pioneers Settlements”. The subject of it was the 2nd Greek Colonization and it was addressed to children of the last two grades of Primary School. The educational programme was in the form of floor-play for two groups of children. Of course the museums can go out of their place to serve mainly children of remote areas. This is achieved through actions known as outreach programmes, including museum kits and other educational material. The main difference between them is that museum kits contain exact copies of exhibits and, in some cases, even original objects.

In order to reach out to schools in remote areas we designed the museum kit “Traveling to Ancient Macedonia”, based on the exhibits of the permanent exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki “Macedonia from the 7th century BC until the Late Antiquity”. In the same context of serving schools in remote areas pedagogical material was designed, the content of which is the educational program titled “Thessaloniki, the Beginning of a Story”. In conclusion we can say that educational programmes and museum kits can bring the young visitors closer to the ancient objects in a creative and pleasant way.

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Τελευταία Ενημέρωση στις Τετάρτη, 23 Ιούνιος 2021 13:20
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